Ayda Tabrizi
Area of Practice: Litigation

Ayda Tabrizi is an associate at Donovan Kochman LLP, and maintains a broad litigation practice. She has experience litigating estates and trusts disputes, real estate related matters, professional liability disputes and a range of corporate and commercial matters. Ayda obtained her law degree from the University of Kent, and is available to provide mentorship as it relates to the NCA process, the lawyer licensing process, marketing yourself, and changing areas of practice.

Want to mentor with Ayda? Book a session here: https://calendly.com/ayda-tabrizi/30min?month=2023-11

Palak is a dual licensed lawyer (India & Ontario) with over 5 years of experience in Disputes Resolution and Litigation in India and over 1 year of experience in Estate Litigation in Ontario. She has been registered with the Bar Council of India since 2016 and has completed her L.L.M. from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Palak was called to the Bar in Ontario in October, 2023. Palak is also the Outreach and Events Manager with the NCA Network, a diversity and inclusion group.

Want to mentor with Palak? Email Palak at: pmahajan@galelaw.ca

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