NCA Network

Increasing Diversity in the Legal Profession

Josilynn Flores

Increasing Diversity in the Legal Profession

Josilynn Flores

Josilynn Flores

Josilynn Flores
Area of Practice: Enrolled in the Law Society of Ontario’s Articling Program.

Josilynn is a successful graduate of the Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Sussex – Law Degree and Arts Degree program. She obtained her LLB Honours Second Class (Division One) Law Degree in 2021, and Honours Bachelor of Arts in Human Rights and Human Diversity in 2022. Josilynn gained international experience by studying abroad in the United Kingdom and successfully navigated the NCA process, having completed 5 exams upon her return to Canada. Before enrolling in the Licensing Process, Josilynn gained three years of Canadian legal experience by summering at a mid-sized law firm in between her studies.

During her studies, Josilynn was a Peer Mentor to incoming first and second-year law students. Josilynn understands the challenges faced by internationally trained lawyers pursuing practice in Canada, and is eager to offer her advice regarding the NCA qualification process, the articling application process, andnetworking. Josilynn looks forward to meeting and providing support to internationally trained lawyers.

Want to mentor with Josilynn? Email Josilynn at:

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