Kateryna Kozachuk
Area of Practice: Tax Law

Kateryna is a tax lawyer at Milot Law and was called to the Ontario Bar in 2019. Before joining Milot Law, Kateryna articled and practiced in the areas of civil litigation and class actions. Kateryna is also a member of the executive committee and a newsletter editor of the Taxation Section of the Ontario Bar Association.

Kateryna completed her B.A., M.A., and B.C.L at Ostroh University in Ukraine. Furthermore, she completed her Master of Laws at the University of Toronto and is a Master of Laws in Taxation candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School.

Want to mentor with Kateryna? Book a session here: Select a Date & Time – Calendly 

Palak is a dual licensed lawyer (India & Ontario) with over 5 years of experience in Disputes Resolution and Litigation in India and over 1 year of experience in Estate Litigation in Ontario. She has been registered with the Bar Council of India since 2016 and has completed her L.L.M. from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Palak was called to the Bar in Ontario in October, 2023. Palak is also the Outreach and Events Manager with the NCA Network, a diversity and inclusion group.

Want to mentor with Palak? Email Palak at: pmahajan@galelaw.ca

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