NCA Network

Increasing Diversity in the Legal Profession

Kim Gale

Increasing Diversity in the Legal Profession

Kim Gale

Kim Gale

Kim Gale, Founder of NCA Network and Gale Law
Area of Practice: Estate Litigation

Kim is an advocate for diversity and inclusion in the field of law. In 2007, she attended Western University and graduated in 2011 from the media program. After working in shipping and logistics and marketing, she worked as an assistant to an estate litigator in 2013. In 2015, Kim graduated from City University of London and worked as a paralegal at a Bay street firm equivalent in the UK. She returned to Toronto and completed her equivalency exams, barrister and solicitor exams and articled with the same estate litigator. In January 2018, Kim was called to the bar and launched Law For Millennials and NCA Network while working at a boutique estate litigation firm. In January 2019, Kim launched Gale Law.

Want to mentor with Kim?

To book a session with Kim, please email Jessica at:

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